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Department of History

About Department

          Welcome to Department of History, Indira Gandhi (Sr.) College, CIDCO, Nanded. History is a foundation subject in arches of social sciences. This is related to social, economic, cultural aspect of human life in general and political aspect in particular. History department exist since college opening and it tried to enhance the student to obtain better career opportunities, for this purpose department have been establish ‘History Study Forum’ in each academic year since 2007-2008. Under this activity eminent speakers invited to guide the students on historical issues. Various extension lectures and Historical Study Tour have been arranged by the department. The Department also tries to increase awareness amongst students regarding competitive exams.

  1. Objectives : -
  2. To make our students aware of the scope of the subject.
  3. To develop Student’s skill and Talent.
  4. To prepare our students efficient to face the competitive Exams in future.
  5. To make our students conscious and Responsible for Society & Nation.

             The Department offers U.G. programme to the students. It also offers Relevance Of  Gandhian Thoughts In Current Era” as Certificate course for students of the institution. Our Department follow semester pattern with a Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).

The Department has a highly qualified staff. They are actively engaged in teaching as well as research. All staff members participates in different seminars, conferences and workshops They have published research papers in reputed national and international journals

Teaching Staff:

Name of Teacher

Dr. G.S. Patil


M.A. NET. Ph.D.


Associate Professor and Head

Date of Appointment


e. mail. ID


Mobile Number


Bio- Data

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Name of Teacher

Ranwalkar D.L.




Assistant Professor

Date of Appointment


e. mail. ID


Mobile Number


Bio- Data

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Departmental activities:

Departmental activities

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