Criteria - I
1.1.1 Effective Curriculum Delivery
Criteria - II
2.2.1. Advanced learner and Slow learner
2.3.2 Teachers use of ICT Tools
2.5.1. Internal Assessment Mechanism Programmes and Course Outcomes
2.6.2. Course Outcome Evaluation
2.7 Student Satisfactory Survey(2020-2021)
Criteria - III
Criteria - IV
4.1.1. Intitutional Infrastructural facilities
4.1.2 Sports & Cultural Facilities
4.1.3 ICT Facilities in Institute
4.3.1 Update of ICT facilities
4.4.2. System for maintainance
Criteria - V
5.1.1 2020-2021
Post matric fee and exam fee freeship
Post Matric Scholarship to OBC
Post Matric Scholarship to VJNT
Post Matric Scholorship Governemnt of India
Rajarshi Chatrapaati Shahu Maharaj shikshan Shulk Shisyayavrti Scheme
Scholarship to Meritorius Student
Tuition Fees and Exam Fees OBC
5.1.2 2020-2021
Post Matric Scholorship to OBC
Post Matric Scholorship to SBC
Post MAtric Scholorship to VJNT
Post Matric Tuition Fees and Examination Fees Freeship
Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj
Scholorship to Meritorius Student
Post Matric Scholorship to OBC
Post matric Scholorship to VJNT
Post Matric Scholorsship to SBC
Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj
Scholorship to Meritorius Student
Governemnt of India Post Matric Scholarship
Post Matric Scholorship to OBC
Post Matric Scholorship to SBC
Post Matric Scholorship to VJNT
Post Matric Tuition Fees and Exam Fees Freeship
Scholorship to meritorius student
Tuition Fees and Exam Fees OBC
Tuition Fees and Exam Fees VJNT
Governemnt of India Post Matric Scholarship
Post Matric Scholorship to OBC Student
Post Matric Scholorship to SBC Student
Post MAtric Scholorship to VJNT
Rajarshi Chatrapati Shahu Mahaaraj
Scholorship to Meritorius Student
Tuition Fees and Exam Fees Freeship
Tuition Fees and Exam Fees to OBC
Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to VJNT
Tutition Fees and Free ship to tribal Student
Post matric fee and exam fee freeship
Post Matric Scholarship to OBC
Post Matric Scholarship to VJNT
Post Matric Scholorship Governemnt of India
Rajarshi Chatrapaati Shahu Maharaj shikshan Shulk Shisyayavrti Scheme
Scholarship to Meritorius Student
Tuition Fees and Exam Fees OBC
5.1.3 Computer Literacy Report
5.1.3 Students' Representation
5.4.1 Alumni Association Contribution
Criteria - VI
6.1.1. Vision, Mission and Goals Functional bodies in college
6.4.3. Institutional Strategy for Mobilization of Funds
6.5.2. IQAC Meeting Minutes. Additional.
6.5.3 Accreditation certificates
Criteria - VII
7.1.1. Safety Measures for Women's Safety